Hosted Live/Produced/Recorded
by: Andru Valpy, & Natty Somers
Air Date: 01/19/2011 on UMFM 101.5 FM
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Rebroadcast: 1/26/2011 on CJUM 101.5 UMFM - 6:30 AMPosted: January 19, 2011
Photo and story by: Andru Valpy
On this weeks show we introduced you to Geoff Thompson and Trevor Lux from Callida, a local band based in Niverville MB. Unfortunately, Drummer John McBride was unable to attend the recording.
I had met Callida back in October of 2010 for an interview for The Aimless & Andy Benefit Show that was thrown at Shannon's Irish Pub. We met this week to catch up on developments since the founding days and were happy to learn that Callida was working on their first full length album.

After introducing the 2/3rds of Callida that were in studio with us, Trevor and Geoff released a work in progress single called "Here Lies" which comes straight from their basement recording sessions. You can expect more from Callida in the months to come.
Along with our music news, we brought you up to date with local headlines.
I informed you of local city news, including the announcement of a 100,000 dollar surplus in the 2010 year end budget as announced by a report made available to City Council. We also noted that due to disputes with Manitoba Hydro, a ten million dollar dent may be put into the final statement which is to be released mid February. Expect more details at a later date.
As discussed, The MS Paddle-wheel Queen and MS Paddle-wheel Princess are both being appraised for sale from long time owner and operator Steve Hawchuk. Hawchuk made this announcement earlier in the week, leaving the future of the company and future "funk boat" events un-decided. According to a report from CBC Radio, Hawchuk hopes to have a young person carry on in his spirt by purchasing the two boats.
We touched on our thoughts on the Golden Globe Awards in which host Ricky Gervais went missing for an hour and a half.
And finally, On the lighter side of things, we announced the words that are to be banished in 2011 as determined by Lake Superior State University.
We are still looking for nominations for "The People In Your Neighborhood" in which we hope to interview those making a difference in your community. For more information, contact info(at)
We will see you next Wednesday at 6:30 AM for a repeat of this show, and expect an all new episode at 6:00PM on 101.5 UMFM.
Track Listings for today's show:
1) Callida - Here Lies.
2) Circa Survive - Wish You Were Here.
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