Review - ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST- The Ellice Street Theater
Photo's and Review By: Andru Valpy (andru(at)aimlessandandy(dot)com)"Wire, Briar, limber-lock, Three geese in a flock, One flew east, one flew west, And one flew over the cuckoo's nest."
On Thursday May 13, 2010 I had the opportunity to head to The Ellice Street theater to review and photograph "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" thanks to an invite from the cast of the production.
If there was ever a bunch of young adults that could portray "cuckoo", it was those actors and actress involved in Thursday's showing. And that's said nicely.
I've sat on this review since Thursday because truly, (as much as an excuse as this may sound), I have had a hard time putting to paper the best way to describe how great the cast portrayed "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" as there was so much energy, passion, and action that occurred throughout the course of the evening.
Topped with the fact that the blocking, stage craft, and direction of the cast was certainly that of Broadway Caliber.
I'm proud to say that we have actors and actress who should belong on Broadway, right here in Winnipeg's core.
As the show started, you could certainly feel the dedication to character as Chief (portrayed by Josh Halbert) enters and sets the dark, mysterious role of his complex character. As the play continued, the audience was left to appreciate Josh's role in the presentation, as his role required him to be serious and silent for a majority of the play.

The entire group (composed of Billy Bibbit, Dale Harding, Chris Landowski, Drew Fillion and Paul Madziak) had the audience in stitches.
The group did a fantastic job of being "Cuckoo", and at times I was left wondering just how much fun they were having while on stage.

Enter Randle P. McMurphy (played by Jeff Wahl).
Wow, really.
Having seen Jack Nicholson portray McMurphy in the 1975 production of "One Flew Over the Cookoo's nest", I can respectfully say that Jeff did a very good job of making McMurphy his own character.

One could dare say that following in Jack Nicholson's shoes would be a challenge. Jeff made it look easy.
As McMurphy checked himself into his new home, he instantly burnt the bridges of Aide Williams, Aide Warren, Nurse Flinn, and of course, the infamous Nurse Ratched. (Played by Sarah-Anne Bartram, Sharilyn Palmer, Ali Tataryn, and Kami Desilets).
All four woman were beautiful in deliverance, blocking, and form. In fact, having seen Kami portray Nurse Ratched so well, I am almost afraid to wonder what she would be like in person! (ED Note: kidding, of course!) It was certainly displayed to McMurphy that she was not to be messed with.
Thankfully, there was someone on stage who had the courage to step up to Nurse Ratched, and that of course would be Dr. Spivey (Played by Sunny Sidhu).
It was interesting to watch Sunny as he played the part of the Dr.
He did a great job of being decisive, and yet cowardly when dealing with Nurse Ratched.

Aide Turkle (played by Eugene Baffoe) was "spunky" in his role. It was fun to watch him take a task as night aide and turn it into his own little solo performance. It was apparent that he had fun in his deliverance.
There were also the "floozy's" played by the beautiful and talented Amy Simoes (who played Candy) and Ashley Hirt (Who Played Sandra).
These two girls went all out in their rolls, and most defiantly worked well with the cast.

The character relations between McMurphy and Candy were displayed wonderfully. The chemistry between the two was impressive.
Not to be forgotten, Miss Ashley Hirt also worked well with the cast and did an excellent job of having fun. It showed in her performance on stage.
Director Shawn Farrell did a good job in ensuring the run of "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" was smooth, visually appealing, and well blocked out.
We would like to thank the cast for having us out (again), and suggest to those of you who are interested to check out the interview posted in iTunes on Thursday and for sure you'll have a better idea as to what I am referring to.

We have also posted additional pictures in our Facebook Fan Page.
Thank you all for having us out!
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